Global Youth Ministries

Prophetic Journal

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The Mountain!!!
The Word of the Lord is forget having faith to move the MOUNTAIN only,
Let's have enough faith to see the nation that holds the mountain moved!
In Acts Chapter 17:6, the followers of Christ were declared as those who had "Shook up the world!" These guys had a reputation of not only moving the mountains of tradition and ritualism, but they shook up and even moved the very premises the mountains were built upon.
How often have we out of fear become afraid of the Enemy and all of his tactics. This is not only a mountain moving generation, this is a generation that will destroy the nation that possesses the mountain if need be. We are blood brought, royal priest, who are no longer afraid of what was and what will be!
So speak not only to the mountain in your life or your family or churches life, but rather speak to the very grounds on which the mountain sits and tell it to become the sea so that you can walk on its water!!!

"Establishing A Greater People, Preparing For A Greater Glory!"